Boys and girls from grade 3 and above who assist the priest at the liturgy. If you are interested, please contact Ray Morin --- [email protected]
Preparing parents for the formation of their child’s faith. Please contact the Parish Office by calling 401-766-1558.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion have a special role in parish life. They are commissioned by the pastor to serve the parish family. They assist at weekend Masses and Holy Days by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ. Some bring the Eucharist to shut-ins and nursing homes on a weekly or monthly basis. St. James Church provides bi-weekly Holy Communion service to the residents of The Holiday Retirement Home. On the First and Third Wednesday of every month, there is a Mass and communion services at 2:00PM celebrated by Rev. Carl B. Fisette. **PLEASE NOTE THIS IS ON HOLD FOR THE SUMMER OF 2024.**
Our Lady's Blue Door Food Pantry
Parishioners are asked to donate nonperishable food items. Collection bins are located at church entrances. If you, or someone you know, is in need of food assistance, please call the Parish Office at 401-766-1558. Be assured that your call is strictly confidential.
As Liturgical Ministers, lectors share their talents by presenting the Word of God at weekend Masses, Holy Days and special liturgies. Lectors serve on a rotating schedule and are provided with written materials to help them prepare for the readings. Contact Mr. Raymond Morin at [email protected].
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week. Each group volunteers about once a month. If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office.
Basic knitting or crocheting experience and a love and concern for the sick or homebound are all you need to participate in this ministry. Shawls are given to ill or homebound persons as a show of love from their fellow parishioners, to not only keep them warm but to offer solace and comfort as well. While making the shawls, the knitter is asked to continually pray for the person who will receive the shawl. Looking for a pattern? Just use your favorite scarf pattern and make it longer and wider. If you know of someone who would appreciate a shawl, please call the Parish Office.
"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
Thank you for sharing in the ministry that we call “The Praying Hands.” This ministry, at its inception, had nearly 100 members. We now number less than 50 – yet we are still strong! We can become a great source of spiritual graces for our parish community. Established by the late Rev. Albert H. Brindamour, there are two major intentions to keep in mind: (1) the conversion of sinners of our parish and (2) an increase in vocations to the priesthood, religious life and lay apostolate. There are no meetings and there are no dues, but membership does have its privileges!! As a member of this ministry, you will not be praying alone. We ask those who ‘sign-up’ to offer one uninterrupted hour of prayer per month on the date that corresponds to the date of their birth. You may incorporate the Mass as your form of prayer, the recitation of the Rosary, Scripture reading or devotional prayers. You may pray at home, in church or in any place that you might find most conducive to prayer. Four times a year, in January, April, July and October, we will supply you with a booklet “Living Faith” which provides daily reflections based on a Scripture passage from the daily Mass. This booklet helps us to pray and meditate in spirit with the seasons of the Church Year. Your packet will also include five intentions per month to be used when you pray the five decades of the rosary. Please call the Parish Office to join.
Our Faith Formation program helps children grow in their Catholic Faith, as they learn about the significance of believing, trusting and loving God. Support and involvement of the family is a critical part of this ministry. Additionally, persons who would like to share their faith as teachers are welcome. Please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator, Mr. Paul Adam at [email protected] or call 401-766-1558.
The Rite of Christian Initiation is offered to any Adult who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith and who would like to become fully initiated in the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. It is also for those who, although baptized Catholic, may not have been confirmed or received first Eucharist. For additional information, please contact Rev. Carl B. Fisette at 401-766-1558.
Parishioners who meet monthly on the First Saturday of each month to pray the rosary. All are welcome to join. For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
Men and women who assist at weekday evening Mass or Funeral masses to enhance the worship of our faith community.
Held Friday afternoons at 3:00 PM during Lent in the Church.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the weekly collection basket.
Adult coordinators work with the youth members of our parish to plan, coordinate and carry out community service projects and activities. Contact our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Mr. Paul Adam, at 401-766-1558.